Structure Communities
Stars small and grow
TechWorth provides the opportunity for active community members to start coordinating community based movements and improvements.
Active community members can participate and follow community investments. Community members can build their own library of resources available to community members either community wide or related to specific programs or projects. Community members can host their own establish relationships via social media, chats and physical community events.
What are the main challenges facing your community? What are your problem statements and who are your stakeholders? What resources are available and how do you access them?
TechWorth will provide a default community structuring template any community can utilize to start with and can be adaptable to specific community requirements.
Community Structuring Template
Define community purpose and vision
- Definitions
- Goals (Program management: shared purposes/improvements)
Community Leadership
- Define the core leadership team members
- Vote for community leaders (Verified community members only)
Define roles & responsibilities
Community leadership structures & community members
- Chairperson
- Vice Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Event coordinator
- Community Members
- Local government Representatives
- Local business representatives
Committees and workgroups
- Special projects and investment schemes
- Government engagement and representation
Membership engagement
- Meetings
- Events
- Communication channels
- Community Portal
- Benchmark across all TechWorth communities' priorities & collaborate
- Social channel
- Chat
- Email/Online collaborations
- Billboards
- Directories
Create Movements
Movements for improvements is taking digital and physical action on a community level.
Community members who have established their community on TechWorth can create movements.
Movements is where we as communities find and collaborate on community priorities.
Movements are managed through programs and projects with the relevant participant actions and deadlines.
Movements are specific high impact community issues which require priority and community support such as:
Movements are categorized as follows:
- Economic Development
- Civic Engagement & Governance
- Public Safety
- Recreation & Culture
- Social Services
- Education
- Public Infrastructure
- Land, Planning, Zoning
- Public Health Services
- Licensing & Permitting
Collaborate and align community's mission
- Local businesses
- Non-Profit organizations
- Government
Finances and Funding
- Financial planning
- Fundraising
- Sponsorships
- Organizations & government
- Investment scheme management
Continuous Feedback Loops
- Continuous assessment of community effectiveness
- Likes
- Follows
- Votes (registered and verified community members)
Code of conduct
Establish your community code of conduct.
- Respect, inclusiveness and constructive participation and representation
- Suspend and remove community members who do not comply with code of conduct
- Membership conduct committee meeting notes and decisions
- Decision votes (Verified community members)
- Reinstate community members