Open-Source Community

Your Work Is Invaluable To Growing Communities Globally.

Support us to enable community movements

Core Objectives

We thank the Open-Source community for their dedication in providing solutions to communities of people and businesses.

Your work is invaluable to our success!


  1. Structure Open-Source work requirements
  2. Promote your work
  3. Reward your work

Core Priorities

We require PHP development volunteers.


  1. Deliver the current roadmap integration between existing LocalSocial capabilities
  2. Community structuring and management priority management
    1. Budgets
    2. Basic finance
    3. Projects
    4. Document/file management
    5. Promotions
  3. Enterprise Resource Planning Implementation
  4. Analytics and Reporting

Structure Open-Source Work Requirements

All development work will be controlled via LocalSocial agile streams and planned based on committed deliverable deadlines.

All development will be controlled and documented within GitHub programs and projects.

GroWorth team will work directly with the various development streams and control the GitHub projects and branches.

Promote Your Work

Every developer who dedicate valuable time to our community projects will be able to feature on our Open-Source Developer Directory.
We will promote the Open-Source Developer Directory via campaigns to our registered users.


Reward Your Work

When we receive stable funding we will gamify our development projects with rewards from the public who benefit from the valued time invested by our Open-Source community members.
Core Priority work will be promoted and invested in accordingly.


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